Kunekune Breed Standard

The Official BKKPS Kunekune Breed Standard

Kunekune Breed Standard

The Official BKKPS Kunekune Breed Standard


The breed standard was updated in 2022 with the intention of representing the diversity of the Kunekune pig and encouraging its healthy features.

When judging Kunekunes in the show ring, it is our intention that points be awarded primarily to pigs who are healthy, fit and able to thrive in their natural environment.

Desirable Traits:

The vision should be unobstructed, (except by forward inclined ears).

The snout, mouth and teeth should be suitable for foraging and grazing.

The overall weight of the pig should be such that it is comfortable and able to move freely without restriction.

(1) HEAD: Face broad and dished, a medium length snout and teeth suitable for grazing. 10 points.
(2) EARS: Pricked or flopped, inclined forward. 5 points.
(3) Piri Piri: Two, well formed and well attached. 10 points.
(4) NECK: Short to medium, jowl light to medium (in older animals. 5 points.
(5) BODY: Shoulders level and in proportion, chest moderately wide between the legs, and well rounded hams. 10 points.
(6) BACK: Strong, level or slightly arched. 10 points.
(7) TAIL: A natural tail, set high. 5 points.
(8) LEGS: straight, well set, able to support the size. Pasterns short and springy. The ability to walk well with a good straight action. 10 points.
(9) FEET: Strong, closed and even, bearing in mind the age and size of the Kunekune. 10 Points.
(10) SKIN/HAIR: Healthy, coat may be any colour or texture. 5 points.
(11) SEXUAL CHARACTERISTICS: Female; a sow should have a minimum of 10 evenly spaced teats Male; a boar should exhibit masculine characteristics and a minimum of 10 evenly spaced teats, 6 of these should be behind the sheaf. 10 points.
(12) TEMPERAMENT: Placid natured. 10 points.