You will need to find the birth notification for the piglet’s litter and register the piglet from there. (If you haven’t yet birth notified the litter, see for guidance on notifying a litter).
Access the herdbook at To search for your litter notification, click the ‘Boltons’ tab at the top of the page and select ‘Birth Notifications’.
Type in your herd name in the box called ‘Filter Record:’ and it should bring up all your litter notifications.
Click the view button next to the litter you want to register a piglet from. You may have to view more than one litter to check the parent’s details if you registered more than one litter at the same time.
Note: if your litter isn’t showing, please contact the registrar who will find it or help you register the litter. Litters migrated from the old system may not appear in your search.
Once you have found the correct litter (please check the DOB and registration numbers of the parents to ensure you have the right litter), you can register the piglet by clicking the ‘Register Pedigree’ button and selecting male (for breeding boar), female (for a breeding gilt) or pet/castrate (for a pet gilt or pet castrated boar) from the drop-down list. This will then take you to the Stripe payment page, where you can pay for the registration.
Once payment is made, it will take you to the following page, where you need to click ‘Edit Pedigree’ to complete all the details. Some of the information is pre-populated for you, and we are hoping that Breeder and Date of birth will also soon be prepopulated soon.
This will then bring you to the registration form, which you complete as follows:
Breeder: Type in your herdname / breed prefix.
Current owner: This is actually the new owner you are registering the pig to. if they are an existing member, their name should appear as you start to type it in, or you can type in their herdname if you know it.
if they are not a member (or you can’t find them) please type in NonMember and then write their name, address, telephone number, and email address in the ‘Description’ section further down the form and the registrar will add their details to the database.
if you are keeping the pig, simply add your own herdname to this field.
Registration number: This field will already be populated with a unique registration number, please don’t change this. However, if you do accidentally overwrite it, don’t worry the registrar will correct it if it is not a valid registration number. If it tells you the reg number has already been taken, put in your name
Tag number: Please write in your pigs ear tag number as it appears on the tag. Eg AB1234 22GB. Each pig must have a unique ear tag number that also contains your herd number (if you are in the UK).
Name: now, this is where it gets tricky. Please take a look at the Sire and Dam’s names further down the page before completing this. It may also help to open another window in your browser so you can bring up a second instance of cloudlines to view all your previous pig registrations. Then…
If you are registering a gilt, the format of her name is your herdname followed by the Dam’s bloodline (which will be detailed further down the registration form) followed by a unique number (the number that follows the last gilt from this bloodline that you registered. eg Maisemore Sally 22 (if the last gilt you registered was Maisemore Sally 21).
You can see the number of the last piglets you registered by bringing up cloudiness again in a new window/tab, clicking pigs (with the paw at the top of the page)
Enter your herd prefix/breeder name in the ‘filter breeder’ field’ and add the bloodline (if you have more than one) in the ‘name’ field, then click on the up/down arrow next to ‘date of registration’ so the most recent registrations are showing at the top. this will show you the number of the most recent registrations you have made for that bloodline so you can then give the new piglet the next number.
The registrar will check and amend registration details if errors are made, so don’t worry if you’re struggling with this bit.
If you are registering a boar/castrate, the format of his name is your herdname followed by the Sire’s bloodline (which will be detailed further down the registration form) followed by a unique number (the number that follows the last boar from this bloodline that you registered. eg Maisemore Andrew 22 (if the last male you registered was Maisemore Andrew 21). You can see the number of the last piglets you registered by bringing up cloudiness again in a new window/tab, clicking pigs (with the paw at the top of the page), adding your herd prefix/breeder name in the ‘filter breeder’ field and adding the bloodline (if you have more than one) in the ‘name’ field then clicking on the up/down arrow next to ‘date of registration’ so the most recent registrations are showing at the top. this will show you the number of the most recent registrations you have made for that bloodline so you can then give the new piglet the next number.
The registrar will check and amend registration details if errors are made, so don’t worry if you’re struggling with this bit.
Date of registration. if you click on this field, it should bring up a calendar so you can choose today’s date.
Date of birth: Please select the pig’s date of birth from the calendar that pops up when you click on the field, or you can type it in manually.
Status: Please leave this as alive, but you are now able to go back into your pig’s pedigrees and mark them as dead once they are deceased. It is really important you do this to keep our herd book accurate.
Sex: Male is to be used if you are registering a breeding boar, and ‘castrate’ should be used for a castrated male. If registering a breeding or pet gilt, please tick female, and there is a text box lower down the form to add pet or breeding.
litter size: please leave as 1.
Sire: please add in the Sire’s herd book number if it is not already populated.
Sire’s notes: you can add anything you wish here or leave it blank.
Dam: please add in the Dam’s herd book number if it is not already populated
Dam’s notes: you can add anything you wish here or leave it blank.
Description: As detailed above, please add the name, address, tel number, and email address of a new owner if they are not a member or you can’t find them when inputting their details in the owner field. You can also add any other notes you wish against the pig at registration or at any time during their lifetime to help you with your animal records.
Date of death: please complete as accurately as possible when marking a pig as dead but don’t worry if you can’t remember the exact date. It’s more important to have them marked as deceased, even if you don’t know exactly when.
Colour: this field currently doesn’t have options, so please use the following:
Black: B
Brown: BR
Cream: CR
Ginger: G
Ginger and Black: G/B
Black and White: B/W
Gold tip: GT
Tricolour Tri
Please see our website page on colours for more guidance on pig colours.
Piri: These are the tassles under the pig’s chin. please complete with either 0, 1 or 2. Please record the number of piri piri the piglet had at birth even if they have since lost any.
Breeding, pet, or meat: Please indicate if you have sold the pig for breeding or as a pet/meat pig. Note you will need to pay the correct fee for breeding male or female pigs as this is higher than for a pet pig.
Sale or hire: Currently, litters are automatically added to our ‘piglets for sale’ page on our website when notified so this box for individual pigs is not yet linked, but please do tick if you have a pig for sale or boar for hire for when the functionality is implemented. You can also advertise boars at stud on our web pages as well as pigs for sale if they are no longer piglets.
If you have any queries when registering your pig, please email the registrar at, and I will be happy to help you.