Ear Tagging Requirements

Pedigree Kunekune pigs ear tagging requirements by the British Kunekune Pig Society.

Ear Tagging Requirements

Pedigree Kunekune pigs ear tagging requirements by the British Kunekune Pig Society.

All piglets sold must be tagged prior to going to their new homes. This is the breeder’s responsibility – please do not expect the new owner to tag the piglets for you. 

Please make sure the ear tag number matches that on the registration application. 

It is helpful, but not essential, to have BKKPS on the ear tag of any pedigree registered pigs. Most ear tag companies will add this on for you as well as your herd number and unique identifier. Allflex provide white tags with the BKKPS logo printed on them. 

Each pig needs an ear tag that has their DEFRA herd number (2 letters followed by 4 numbers) and a unique identifying number, e.g. 001, 002. For example, UK GJ2468-001. It is vital that all pigs have a uniquely numbered ear tag so they can be identified. The identification rules vary in other countries and any format is acceptable so long as the tag:

  • identifies your herd.
  • has a unique number for the pig.
  • is ‘standard’ in your country.


When you purchase pedigree piglets, the pedigree certificate will be sent to you when the breeder registers the piglets. Please check that the ear tag number on the certificate matches the number on the ear tag. Please contact the registrar if you have any question. 

If the pedigree certificate and the pig’s ear tag do not match then the pig is not a pedigree.

BKKPS Ear Tags

DEFRA Ear Tags

  • Order a supply of ear tags now before breeding. 
  • If using tags with the BKKPS logo please only use these on birth-notified pigs.
  • Tag all pigs before they leave your holding.
  • Remember to carefully put the unique tag details on the pedigree registration form.
  • Ask for any piglet you buy to be tagged – if the breeder refuses then buy elsewhere.