BKKPS Show Rules

BKKPS Show Rules

  1. All classes are held under the general rules and conditions of the BKKPS as detailed below. 
  2. All pigs must be registered with the British Kunekune Pig Society (including non-breeding pigs) – entries will be checked prior to, and at the show. Any unregistered pigs will not be allowed in the ring.
  3. All pigs entered in the show must be the bone fide property of the exhibitor and must have been transferred into their ownership by the BKKPS before being entered into the show.
  4. Exhibitors must display the pigs’ registration certificate (or a copy) on the pen to verify pedigree registration and ownership.
  5. All pigs must be correctly tagged and the information should match with the registration certificate displayed
  6. No pigs under the age of 4 months will be entered. Piglets accompanying a sow must be at least 3 weeks of age and individually tagged.
  7. Boars over 12 months of age MUST have tusks trimmed and be shown by 2 adult handlers (over 18 years) with proper boards and sticks/batons.
  8. Handlers are required to be of smart appearance with appropriate footwear; white coats must be worn at all times in the show ring. Proper pig boards and sticks must be used. Pig boards should not show any form of individual advertising or Herd names.
  9. Animals in poor health or suffering from any form of contagious or infectious disease must not be brought to the show.
  10. A competent person must be in attendance with each lot of pigs for the duration of the show and all attendants must comply with reasonable requests from the Stewards.
  11. With the exception of the Stewards or other representatives of the Organisers, no person will be admitted to the judging rings or permitted to be in contact with the judges on any pretext.
  12. Sows must have produced and reared a pedigree (birth notified) litter in the 12 months prior to show date.
  13. Gilts are eligible to be shown up to the age of 18 months old at the date of the show. After this age they must meet the requirement of rule 12 and have farrowed a litter. 
  14. Boars over a year old must have sired a litter within 12 months prior to show.
  15. Veteran pigs must be 6 years and over.
  16. Castrated pigs will not be eligible for Champion of Champions.