Kunekune Colours

A guide to the different colours of kunekune pigs

KuneKune Colours

A guide to the different colours of kunekune pigs

To make it easier to register your pigs with the right colour, we have made a colour chart.

Decide which colour your pig is by checking the range on the chart, and then use the corresponding letters. In the case of black and white pig, when the main colour is black with white spots, you would have B/W, if the pig is white with black spots then it will be W/B. In the case of a pig that has three or more separate colours, the abreviations TRI will be used. NB It is common for piglets to have a variety of hairs of differing colours, but only piglets with 3 or more distinct areas of colour should be registered as ‘TRI’.

If for any reason you are still not sure of the colour of your pig, then send a photograph to the registrar and it will be assessed for you.